A Song That Enchants The Heart
Enchanting Musician in an Arbor
The cool February breeze swept through the open air café as I left the chattering people and the clattering of cups behind. The champagne brunch buoyed my spirits from the long winter slump I'd fallen into. My steps were lighter as I strolled down the stone sidewalk, almost in a dream state. The city had a fae feeling to it this morning, unreal and ethereal, a place where wishes were possible.
Fragments of a song floated in the air. The notes grew clearer as I reached an arbor I didn't remember outside the restaurant. Funny how champagne muddles the senses.
A young musician sat almost entranced as he strummed a guitar, and the street sounds fell away. I leaned against a column, listening. As he brought the song to an end, he turned and gave me the whisper of a smile, as if he'd been playing for me alone.
I stepped into the arbor but was snatched back by a companion from the restaurant. She looped her arm through mine, chattering as if she didn't see the young man or hear his music. I let myself be drawn along by her enthusiasm until I quite forgot what I had witnessed.
Until one day, years later, I stopped in the same spot with the memory of a song that enchants the heart. I peered into the courtyard between buildings, but there was no arbor, no musician. And I would forever wonder if he were a dream born of champagne and wishes.
Composite Photo by Julia | Originals by Nicolas Llysandrou & Caio